Smyrna DUI Lawyer
The City of Smyrna Municipal Court is located at 2800 King Street, Smyrna, GA 30080. Like the other municipal courts in Cobb County, Smyrna is a court of limited jurisdiction, meaning only certain offenses are prosecuted there. These include DUI and every other traffic offense under Georgia law. Misdemeanors such as possession of marijuana and underage possession of alcohol are also prosecuted here when committed within the city limits. Ben is a Smyrna DUI Lawyer that frequently appears in this Court and obtains favorable results for his clients.
The Chief Judge of this Court is Phyllis Gingrey Collins and the Solicitor is Tim Williams. Court used to be held here on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning at 9:00 a.m. There has been some recent change, however, and court sessions are held on Mondays at 9:00 a.m. and Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.
As a resident of Smyrna and with an office right down the street, Ben is very familiar with this Court, the major players and the procedures. As a Smyrna DUI Attorney, he will be happy to discuss your case with you in a free consultation. Call him at 404-985-9772 today.
The Consequences of a Smyrna DUI
The Smyrna Police Department aggressively patrols the streets of the City. This will increase now that the Atlanta Braves are right down the street, as traffic through Spring Road and Concord Road in Smyrna is expected to increase substantially. The Smyrna Municipal Court will aggressively prosecute these cases, and if you are charged in Smyrna with a DUI, you will need an experienced Smyrna DUI Lawyer to assist you.
DUI punishment is severe; if convicted, you could face jail time and will face stiff fines, community service and a suspension of your driver's license. Other requirements such as DUI school may also be imposed. Other than most of the municipalities, the City of Smyrna operates its own jail, and if convicted of DUI you may find yourself serving a sentence there.
The good news is that a Smyrna DUI Attorney can help. DUIs can be challenged in literally dozens of ways, and an experienced Smyrna DUI Lawyer like Ben knows all the ways to mount these challenges. Even in cases that seem hopeless, an experienced Smyrna DUI Lawyer can find ways to minimize the consequences.
What to do if Arrested for DUI in Smyrna
The first thing that must be done upon being arrested for DUI is to contact a Smyrna DUI Lawyer for a free consultation. Ben is available 24/7 to take your calls at 404-985-9772. A Smyrna DUI Attorney like Ben will advise you in a confidential setting about the steps that must be taken to ensure your driving privileges are preserved while you fight your case.
As a Smyrna DUI Lawyer, Ben will immediately file your 10 day letter to make sure that you can continue to drive while your case is pending. If you fail to hire a lawyer in time to do this, and fail to take action yourself, you could lose your license for up to one year.
Ben knows from his experience as a Smyrna DUI Lawyer that being proactive while your case is pending can benefit you greatly in the long run. For that reason, Ben advises all of his Smyrna DUI clients to do three things as soon as practicable after being arrested: 40 hours community service, DUI/risk reduction school, and obtaining a drug and alcohol evaluation from a licensed provider. Doing these things helps your Smyrna DUI Attorney negotiate better outcomes for the case. Additionally, if you end up getting placed on probation, completing all the conditions as soon as possible oftentimes results in early termination of probation or being placed on non-reporting status.
If you have been arrested for DUI in Smyrna, don't delay. Contact an aggressive Smyrna DUI Lawyer immediately.
Smyrna DUI Results
Ben has a track record of success as a Smyrna DUI Lawyer. In State v. T.S., his client was arrested by a Smyrna Police Officer less than one minute after being pulled over for a minor traffic infraction. Ben convinced the judge that the officer had not developed sufficient probable cause to conduct an arrest for DUI following such an abbreviated investigation. The case was subsequently dismissed.
In State v. B.B., Ben's client looked much different (i.e. much more sober) than the arresting officer described in his police report. Additionally, the officer did not wait the requisite amount of time in having B.B. blow into the handheld alcosensor device when less than 20 minutes had passed since B.B.'s last sip of beer. For these reasons, Ben convinced the prosecutor to reduce B.B.'s charge to reckless driving.
In State v. V.C., Ben filed a motion challenging the validity, and admissibility, of the HGN test as well as statements made by V.C. after she had been taken into custody and without having been provided the Miranda warnings. The prosecutor reduced V.C.'s DUI to reckless driving.
In State v. T.D., Ben's client had a blood alcohol concentration over the legal limit and no viable defenses to the charge. However, he used T.D.'s lack of a criminal history and the proactive steps she took following her arrest to convince the prosecutor to reduce her DUI to a lesser charge.
To have a chance at getting your DUI charge thrown out or reduced, you will need the assistance of a Smyrna DUI Attorney like Ben. You can contact him here.